| Garant. Daily monitoring of the Federal legislation at 7.05.2020 | - Order of the Federal Tourism Agency No. 132-Pr-20 of April 28, 2020: approves the form and contents of the application for granting in 2020 subsidies from the federal budget to tour operators for reimbursement of expenses incurred in implementation of activities related to restrictions caused by the spread of the new coronavirus infection, as well as forms for filing information on tourists who have submitted claims for the refund of funds previously paid to the tour operator in the framework of tourist products sold, for which transportation services by air transport within the framework of tourist products have not been actually fulfilled due to restrictions
- Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 621 of April 30, 2020 on amending Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 433 of April 3, 2020: the rules for supporting Russian citizens that cannot return home due to the pandemic are valid through June 30, 2020
- Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1177-r of April 30, 2020: half a billion will be spent on supporting Russians citizens that cannot return to the country due to the pandemic. The relevant amount shall be allocated to the RF Ministry of foreign affairs
- Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 616 of April 30, 2020: establishes a ban on the admission of industrial goods originating from foreign states, for the purpose of procurement for state or municipal needs, as well as industrial goods originating from foreign states, works (services), carried out (provided) by foreign persons, for the purpose of procurement for the needs of the country's defense and state security
- Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 634 of April 30, 2020 on amending the Temporary Rules for registration of citizens looking for suitable job and as unemployed, as well as for making social payments to citizens recognised in the established procedure as unemployed
- Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 628 of April 30, 2020 on amendments to certain acts of the Government of the Russian Federation in connection with the introduction of measures aimed at prevention of the spread of the new coronavirus infection on the territory of the Russian Federation
- Information from the Pension Fund of Russia dated April 30, 2020: early reporting to the Pension Fund will allow enterprises to receive state support faster
- Information from the Federal Tax Service of May 1, 2020: the Federal Tax Service has launched a special service for payment of subsidies to small and medium-sized businesses
- Information from the Federal Service for Supervision over Protection of Consumers’ Rights and Human Well-Being of May 1, 2020: rules for the online purchasing drugs during the coronavirus pandemic
- Information from the Bank of Russia of April 30, 2020: the Bank of Russia has extended the time terms for disclosing information by issuers of equity securities in 2020
- Information from the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2020: the average price of Urals grade oil for April 2020 is fixed as $ 16.26 per barrel